Monday, 2 November 2009

Buffering Sucks still ..... Do`s/Donts while your video is buffering

If you have come to this blog looking for ways to speed up buffering that post is
HERE and will be updated frequently
Great Things To Do While your video Is Buffering
1. If you’re watching a series of videos then open a new tab and find the next one, leave it open until your current video is ready to play. Then start buffering the next one in the new tab and it should hopefully be ready by the time you finished watching the first one.
2. Have a good rant about how much you hate buffering by leaving a comment bellow this post
3. Do a bit of online shopping maybe at Amazon ebay play etc

Dont do these things while your video is buffering
1. Dont go to other video sites like youtube etc and search for random videos to watch while you wait although this is fun it will slow down the buffering on the video your waiting for.
2. Don’t use any autosurf programs these will slow down your buffering dramatically
3. Dont have any downloads running


  1. Arghhhhhhhh I Hate Buffering So Much.
    I Got To A Really Good Bit In My Film + It Stopped I Was Soooo Annoyed.

    Thanks For Making A Website Where I Can Moan About It.

    1. omg u guys have to get a life what u can see on a tv screen or on a game u can see in real life GTA go to America Call Of Duty go to afaganistan go out side and enjoy life

    2. Then what are you doing staring at the screen trying to tell people to get outside when your clearly not and can you really see the walking dead in real life?

    3. I hate buffering so much I can't believe all the videos on my YouTube Is like I'm watching robots or like some people say the walking dead or a small snail

  2. ARGH ME TOO . i hate stupid buffering. D: *cries*

  3. WHY WHY WHY!!!!!

  4. i love buffering


  5. shoot me in the testicles and call me a camel, buffering sucks.

    Now I can like complain bout it yay!! lol
    Thanks for making a site like this...

  7. i hate buffering

  8. i need a better fracking computer, so I can stop wasting twice as much time waiting for the buffering to stop as the video is long. FRACK!

  9. Buffereing sucks and guess what sucks more? this big ass fucking stupid bitchass motherfucking website thats what! Thanks for mofo nothings bitch

  10. kngjnjgfjvfrbhgjfbjgbjfgbfkhjkbfgfjbhfgkhkbf

  11. Could've had a V8

  12. Gosh darn these stupid videos! How come their ads can run smoothly but my video pauses every 10 damn seconds? Huh? HUH!? Okay, yes, I'm a little annoyed. Thanks for letting me rant, haha. I wish this hadn't happened I'm trying to watch glee:(

    1. Glee's AMAZING!!!! Can't wait until it returns on Feb.25.2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. the only good part about this damn buffering is that I can complain about it to all the other buffer hatters out there. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! WHY WHY WHHHHYYYYY?!?!?!? random anger typing: gheakhgiehgiughhg uyt igiwytuug984755698rgh4idhjqoighwh]4sn][higoajgit8ehlymwojh

  14. Arghhhh!!!!
    I hate my internet connection!!!!!!!
    I hate the fact that it is so slow and that there's nothing I can do to change that!
    Current download speed where I live; MAURITIUS is 2.13mps.
    You can check yours at by the way.
    F**k Mauritius Telecom!!
    Can't even stream Parks and Rec properly...
    I'm also annoyed that I have to prove that I'm not a robot for the most part of my internet-active life.
    Oh well, it could be worse I suppose..
    I could be a cat. I hate cats.

    1. 2.13%? That's pretty good, here I only get 0.03%

  15. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    This goes to buffering
    I hate you

  16. I really want to watch doctor who now.
    fuck off buffering
    go away
    never come back
    i hate you
    you're not welcome

  17. Poos and wees! I was, just like the chap above, watching Doctor Who and BAM! Buffers. S05E13 The Big Bang I just got to the good explosiony bit and it starts. Gets to the wedding bit, I cannot take it. Wees and poos.

  18. fuck da buffering! im trying to watch doctor who D:D:D:D:D:D:D:

  19. A haiku about buffering:
    no no no no no
    Please go away stop stop stop
    no no no no no

  20. grrrrrrrw i hate buffering it suck and its even worse when you pay money to these large companies who say that you can havexmb/s internet speeds and then screw you over and give you near to nothing internet speed im talking to you personally orange

  21. Trying to watch interstellar. yes i know long time due. and it buffers in all the wrong places!! GAAHH

  22. hahaha lol Im glad im not da only one here waiting until it ends flippin buffering... The walking dead btw xD

    1. Shit guys the comment above is mine from 4 years ago. Earlier today I suddenly remembered I had made this comment and wanted to check it out. Well so much has happened in those 4 years, but they went by in a flash. Life is short, really short, and before we know it, all of us are dead. Our hearts will come to a halt, our brain waves will fade into oblivion. I feel that everything humans do, is just an attempt at distracting oneself from the inevitable doom. Sorry about the negativity, I'm not usually like this and I'll probably cringe the next time I see this. But not because of my fatalist message, but because I will realize all I was doing here was procrastinating on work and seeking validation! Get back to work you dumb hoe.

  23. watching gravity and damn this is the worst movie to buuf its so suspenceful

  24. i am entering this comment cos im following the instructions for buffering. i am currently waiting for a harry potter movie to buffer. let me tell you more about it. it is the third movie, the one where we find out about Sirius Black, that god father we all like but dies in the end. anyways i am looking at my comment and am surprised that it is already so long. i will assume that my movie should have buffered long enough so good day to you all.

    1. Hello! here i am again. i am still waiting. this is really slow. well bye

  25. i am wathing the flash and feel so annoyed while this happens
    so angry and i have to pause then play,pause then play

  26. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Goddamnit. I hate buffering so much. I'm watching a Season 5 episode of "Seinfeld" and it won't stop buffering. It's really getting on my nerves.

  28. my name is anonymous and i hate buffering

    1. My name is also anonymous? wow

    2. wait....we are the same anonymous

  29. Fuck this shit
    i can't even watch on 360p without buffering

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